Goshta eka kalachi

Goshta eka kalachi, the story of the black and white era is a musical, conceptualized by Milind Oak which isn't simply a compilation of Marathi songs of the post independence movie age. It is much more than that. It is a dramatization of the 50s and 60s, and more importantly it's a representation of the ideas of that time. By this time, the movie industry had taken a firm hold in the hearts of its followers and this burgeoning industry gave us sangeet-natya, an artform much revered and universally enjoyed.

The age and its people were an influence on the movies and the music of the time. Those were simpler times when people were more important than ephemeral success. There was an inherent emotional connectedness amongst the people which was mirrored in the movie culture. So why should we travel all the way back, a good 60 years back? People then had lesser aspirations but they had the key to happiness. Today we have become intellectual refugees, isolated and selfish. The people then had the ability to smile in the face of adversity and they brought up the next generation under better circumstances. They knew the importance of deep, personal relationships and they thus they had more meaningful relations. Happiness was unconditional and universal.

Eventmay interviewed Milind Oak, from whose fertile imagination have come other shows like 100 years in Bollywood,Gulzar - Baat Pashmine Ki, Bhairav te Bhairavi, Black and White and Pancham the Immortal Note. He expressed his objectives behind organizing this show. It is an appreciation of what our forefathers did. A personal tribute to the  sacrifices they made and a tribute to the extraordinary ordinary people of that era. He justifies the choice of songs used in the drama as a personal bias. "This is the perspective we would like to show. Some other person will have a different perspective. Rediscovering the lost values and the price of nature, Niche Entertainment presents Goshta eka kalachi directed by Ashay Valambe. Actors Swardha Tikekar, Amit Vale and Rahul Solapurkar. Singers Rama Kulkarni, Jeetendra Abhyankar, Swardha Gokhale/Godbole and Chaitanya Kulkarni.  

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